
Pilosella leptophyton (Nägeli & Peter) S. Bräut. & Greuter




Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Asteraceae (Daisy family)
Genus: Pilosella ()


Pilosella leptophyton
Hieracium anocladum
Hieracium approximabile
Hieracium bauhiniiflorum
Hieracium bifurcum subsp. kolenatii
Hieracium brachiatum subsp. flagelliflorum
Hieracium brachiatum var. flagelliflorum
Hieracium discolor
Hieracium euchaetium subsp. kolenatii
Hieracium kolenatii
Hieracium lenkoranense
Hieracium leptophyton
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. anocladum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. approximabile
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. approximatum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. bauhiniiceps
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. bauhiniiflorum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. bracchiatisimile
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. discolor
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. hojtae
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. ischiense
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. klisense
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. kurtovoense
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. leptosoma
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. melanophilum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. microbauhini
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. mollicaule
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. nematoclados
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. nematostolonum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. pauciflorum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. polyanthemoides
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. pseudofiliferum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. purpureibracteum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. purpureovittatum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. sistianae
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. strictipedicellum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. subbauhiniiflorum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. subflagelliflorum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. tenuifiliferum
Hieracium leptophyton subsp. wotschense
Hieracium melanophilum
Hieracium microbauhini
Hieracium nalczikense
Hieracium nematoclados
Hieracium purpureibracteum
Hieracium purpureovittatum
Hieracium subbauhiniiflorum
Hieracium tephrocephalum subsp. purpureibracteum
Pilosella leptophyton subsp. polyanthemoides
Pilosella mollicaulis
Pilosella mollicaulis subsp. pauciflora

Related species

Pilosella aurantiaca (L.) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip. - Fox-And-Cubs
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Pilosella peleteriana (Mérat) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip. - Shaggy Mouse-Ear-Hawkweed
Pilosella officinarum Vaill. - Mouse-Ear-Hawkweed
Pilosella lactucella (Wallr.) P. D. Sell & C. West - Eared Mouse-Ear-Hawkweed
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Pilosella caespitosa (Dumort.) P. D. Sell & C. West - Yellow Fox-And-Cubs
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Pilosella echioides (Lumn.) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip. - Bugloss Mouse-Ear Hawkweed
Pilosella piloselloides agg.
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Pilosella bauhini (Schult.) Arv.-Touv. - Bauhin's Mouse-Ear-Hawkweed
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Pilosella leptophyton (Nägeli & Peter) S. Bräut. & Greuter
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Pilosella auriculoides (Láng) Arv.-Touv.
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Pilosella calomastix coll.
Pilosella derubella (Gottschl. & Schuhw.) S. Bräut. & Greuter
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Pilosella rubra (Peter) Soják
Pilosella ziziana coll.
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    15–70 cm tall. inflorescence: in a panicle-like whole-inflorescence. capitula: 3–20 per stem. involucre: 6–10 mm long. involucral bracts: with simple hairs, with glandular hairs, with stellate hairs. outer involucral bracts: maximal 1.2 mm broad. flowers: yellowish, ...

    You find the complete description in our identification books.


Distribution in Europe

Pilosella leptophyton


The colours represent the floristic status of the species in the respective region. Green indicates native occurrences, light green naturalized occurrences. Adventive occurrences are represented by light yellow shades and plants that are cultivated (but rarely occur in the wild) are dark yellow. Grey colours are used, if the floristic status of species is unknown or uncertain.


Pilosella leptophyton

Pilosella leptophyton


  • native


  • extensively used or natural grassland, dwarf shrub heaths, ruderal vegetation

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