
Quercus frainetto Ten.

Italian Oak




Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Fagaceae (Beech family)
Genus: Quercus (Oak Tree)


Quercus frainetto
Quercus apennina
Quercus byzantina
Quercus conferta
Quercus conferta var. racemosa
Quercus dalechampii var. hungarica
Quercus esculiformis
Quercus esculus var. velutina
Quercus farnetto
Quercus farnetto subsp. conferta
Quercus frainetto var. conferta
Quercus frainetto var. hungarica
Quercus frainetto var. insularis
Quercus frainetto var. racemosa
Quercus frainetto var. spectabilis
Quercus frainetto var. typica
Quercus hungarica
Quercus pannonica
Quercus pyrenaica var. macrophyllos
Quercus slavonica
Quercus spectabilis
Quercus strigosa
Quercus toza subsp. conferta
Quercus toza var. spectabilis

Related species

Quercus rubra L. - Red Oak
Quercus palustris Münchh. - Pin Oak
Quercus frainetto Ten. - Italian Oak
Quercus cerris L. - Turkey Oak
Quercus ilex L. - Evergreen Oak
Quercus pubescens Willd. - Downy Oak
Quercus robur L. - Pedunculate Oak
Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. - Sessile Oak


    Up to 40 m tall deciduous trees. infructescence: consisting of 2–4 acorns, sessile or with a short stalk. fruit sheath: enclosing the fruit-base to 30–50 %. petioles: maximal 1 cm long. leaves: lobed, each side 6–10‑partite, incisions of the leaf-lobes reaching maxim...

    You find the complete description in our identification books.


Distribution in Europe

Quercus frainetto


The colours represent the floristic status of the species in the respective region. Green indicates native occurrences, light green naturalized occurrences. Adventive occurrences are represented by light yellow shades and plants that are cultivated (but rarely occur in the wild) are dark yellow. Grey colours are used, if the floristic status of species is unknown or uncertain.

Distribution in Germany

Quercus frainetto


Natural, established occurences
Artificial occurences

The color intensity reflects the species' abundance

Data: Floristische Kartierung Deutschlands (Stand 2013), Bundesamt für Naturschutz (www.floraweb.de)


Quercus frainetto

Quercus frainetto


  • neophyte being in naturalization


  • forests, shrubbery

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