Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family)
Genus: Euphorbia (Spurge)
Euphorbia illirica Lam. - Hairy Spurge
Euphorbia palustris L. - Marsh Spurge
Euphorbia epithymoides L. - Cushion Spurge
Euphorbia angulata Jacq. - Angular Spurge
Euphorbia dulcis L. - Sweet Spurge
Euphorbia verrucosa L. - Warty Spurge
Euphorbia platyphyllos L. - Broad-Leaved Spurge
Euphorbia stricta L. - Upright Spurge
Euphorbia helioscopia L. - Sun Spurge
Euphorbia amygdaloides L. - Wood Spurge
Euphorbia salicifolia Host
Euphorbia cyparissias L. - Cypress Spurge
Euphorbia esula L. - Leafy Spurge
Euphorbia lucida Waldst. & Kit. - Shining Spurge
Euphorbia seguieriana Neck. - Seguier's Spurge
Euphorbia peplus L. - Petty Spurge
Euphorbia falcata L. - Sickle Spurge
Euphorbia exigua L. - Dwarf Spurge
<span class="r">Highly toxic</span>, 10–30 cm tall, <b>annual</b>. <span class="v1">inflorescence:</span> cyathia in an umbel-like whole-inflorescence; <span class="v1">glands:</span> <b>crescent to 2‑horned</b>, <ba>the outer edge straight to arche...
Natural, established occurences | Artificial occurences |
ruderal vegetation, fields, vineyards, parks, gardens