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Atriplex prostrata DC.

Spear-Leaved Orache




Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Amaranthaceae (Pigweed family)
Genus: Atriplex (Saltbush)


Atriplex prostrata
Atriplex deltoidea
Atriplex hastata subsp. polonicum
Atriplex latifolia
Atriplex oppositifolia
Atriplex platysepala
Atriplex polonica
Atriplex prostrata subsp. deltoidea
Atriplex prostrata subsp. latifolia
Atriplex prostrata subsp. polonica
Atriplex prostrata subsp. triangularis
Atriplex triangularis

Related species

Atriplex hortensis L. - Garden Orache
Atriplex sagittata Borkh. - Purple Orache
Atriplex oblongifolia Waldst. & Kit. - Oblongleaf Orache
Atriplex micrantha Ledeb. - Russian Orache
Atriplex patula L. - Common Orache
Atriplex littoralis L. - Grass-Leaved Orache
Atriplex calotheca (Rafn) Fr. - Halberdleaf Orache
Atriplex prostrata DC. - Spear-Leaved Orache
Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston - Babington's Orache
Atriplex rosea L. - Redscale
Atriplex longipes agg.
Atriplex longipes Drejer - Long-Stalked Orache
Atriplex praecox Hülph. - Early Orache
Atriplex tatarica agg.
Atriplex tatarica L. - Tatarian Orache
Atriplex laciniata L. - Frosted Orache


    30–100 cm tall. inflorescence: clustered, in a spike-like to panicle-like whole-inflorescence. perianth: absent in ♀‑flowers. fruit sheath: fused up to 50 %, herbaceous also at the base, 3‑angular to rhomboid, entire to slightly toothed, 2–8 mm long. leaves: 3‑angula...

    You find the complete description in our identification books.


Distribution in Europe

Atriplex prostrata


The colours represent the floristic status of the species in the respective region. Green indicates native occurrences, light green naturalized occurrences. Adventive occurrences are represented by light yellow shades and plants that are cultivated (but rarely occur in the wild) are dark yellow. Grey colours are used, if the floristic status of species is unknown or uncertain.

Distribution in Germany

Atriplex prostrata


Natural, established occurences
Artificial occurences

The color intensity reflects the species' abundance

Data: Floristische Kartierung Deutschlands (Stand 2013), Bundesamt für Naturschutz (


Atriplex prostrata

Atriplex prostrata


  • native


  • riparian vegetation, mudflat vegetation, reedbeds, ruderal vegetation, coastal drift lines

  • in nutritious, often saline habitats

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