Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Pinaceae (Pine family)
Genus: Abies (Fir)
Abies alba Mill. - European Silver-Fir
Abies grandis (D. Don) Lindl. - Giant Fir
Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach - Caucasian Fir
Abies concolor (Gordon) Hildebr. - Colorado White-Fir
<span class="r">Slightly toxic</span>, <ba>up to 70 m tall conifer</ba>. <span class="v1">cones:</span> erect, <ba>elongate to cylindrical, <b>rounded at the apex</b></ba>, <b>5–12 cm long</b>, disintegrating at the tree, only the rachis remaining. ...
Natural, established occurences | Artificial occurences |
forests, shrubbery, parks, gardens