Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Lamiaceae (Nettle family)
Genus: Thymus (Thyme)
Thymus vulgaris L. - Garden Thyme
Thymus praecox Opiz - Creeping Thyme
Thymus serpyllum L. - Breckland Thyme
Thymus pulegioides L. - Large Thyme
Thymus alpestris (?elak.) Tausch ex A. Kern. - Wild Thyme
Dwarf shrub, 20–40 cm tall. flowers: pink to reddish. upper-lip: flat to slightly bent back. calyx: 2‑lipped. stamina: the longer distinctly longer than the upper-lip. fruits: schizocarps, disintegrating into 2 nutlet-like mericarps. stem: woody (at least at the base...
Natural, established occurences | Artificial occurences |
grassland & dwarf shrub heaths, parks, gardens
in dry habitats