Mentha pulegium L.





Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Lamiaceae (Nettle family)
Genus: Mentha (Mint)


Mentha pulegium
Melissa pulegium
Mentha albarracinensis
Mentha aucheri
Mentha daghestanica
Mentha erinoides
Mentha exigua
Mentha gibraltarica
Mentha hirtiflora
Mentha montana
Mentha pulegioides
Mentha pulegium subsp. cephalonia
Mentha pulegium subsp. erinoides
Mentha pulegium subsp. gibraltarica
Mentha pulegium subsp. tomentosa
Mentha pulegium subsp. vulgaris
Mentha pulegium subvar. prostrata
Mentha pulegium var. cacocea
Mentha pulegium var. cotorensis
Mentha pulegium var. erecta
Mentha pulegium var. eriantha
Mentha pulegium var. exigua
Mentha pulegium var. gigantea
Mentha pulegium var. hirsuta
Mentha pulegium var. hirtiflora
Mentha pulegium var. humifusa
Mentha pulegium var. hyperiantha
Mentha pulegium var. microphylla
Mentha pulegium var. prostrata
Mentha pulegium var. pubescens
Mentha pulegium var. strongylophylla
Mentha pulegium var. subtomentella
Mentha pulegium var. thymoides
Mentha pulegium var. tomentella
Mentha pulegium var. villosa
Mentha pulegium var. vulgaris
Mentha subtomentella
Mentha subtomentella var. ceplaloniae
Mentha subtomentella var. humillima
Mentha subtomentella var. microphylla
Mentha tomentella
Mentha tomentosa var. villosa
Micromeria fenzlii
Micromeria maritima
Minthe pulegia
Pulegium aromaticum
Pulegium daghestanicum
Pulegium erectum
Pulegium heterophyllum
Pulegium micranthum
Pulegium pubescens
Pulegium pulegium
Pulegium tomentellum
Pulegium vulgare
Thymus bidentatus

Trivial names

Wych Elm

Related species

Mentha pulegium L. - Pennyroyal
Mentha arvensis L. - Corn Mint
Mentha spicata L. - Spear Mint
Mentha longifolia (L.) L. - Horse Mint
Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. - Round-Leaved Mint
Mentha aquatica L. - Water Mint


    10–30 cm tall. inflorescence: whorled, in a spike-like whole-inflorescence, spikes intermittent, with distant whorls, with foliage-leaves up to the stem apex, whorls not capitate clustered at the stem apex. supporting-leaves of the whorls: foliage-like, up to 2‑times...

    You find the complete description in our identification books.


Distribution in Europe

Mentha pulegium


The colours represent the floristic status of the species in the respective region. Green indicates native occurrences, light green naturalized occurrences. Adventive occurrences are represented by light yellow shades and plants that are cultivated (but rarely occur in the wild) are dark yellow. Grey colours are used, if the floristic status of species is unknown or uncertain.

Distribution in Germany

Mentha pulegium


Natural, established occurences
Artificial occurences

The color intensity reflects the species' abundance

Data: Floristische Kartierung Deutschlands (Stand 2013), Bundesamt für Naturschutz (


Mentha pulegium

Mentha pulegium


  • native


  • riparian vegetation, mudflat vegetation, reedbeds, perennial herbaceous vegetation, intensively used grassland, ruderal vegetation

  • in nutritious, moist to wet, periodically flooded habitats

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