Group: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes)
Family: Rubiaceae (Bedstraw family)
Genus: Galium (Bedstraw)
Galium boreale L. - Northern Bedstraw
Galium rotundifolium L. - Round-Leaved Bedstraw
Galium odoratum (L.) Scop. - Woodruff
Galium uliginosum L. - Fen Bedstraw
Galium palustre L. - Common Marsh-Bedstraw
Galium elongatum C. Presl - Great Marsh Bedstraw
Galium sylvaticum L. - Wood Bedstraw
Galium intermedium Schult. - Schultes' Bedstraw
Galium aristatum L. - Awned Bedstraw
Galium glaucum L. - Glaucous Bedstraw
Galium mollugo L. - Hedge Bedstraw
Galium album Mill. - White Bedstraw
Galium truniacum (Ronniger) Ronniger - Traunsee Bedstraw
Galium verum L. - Lady's Bedstraw
Galium anisophyllon Vill. - Bedstraw
Galium pumilum Murray - Slender Bedstraw
Galium sterneri Ehrend. - Limestone Bedstraw
Galium sudeticum Tausch - Sudeten Bedstraw
Galium valdepilosum Heinr. Braun - Moravian Bedstraw
Galium saxatile L. - Heath Bedstraw
Galium megalospermum All. - Swiss Bedstraw
Galium noricum Ehrend. - Norican Bedstraw
Galium aparine L. - Cleavers
Galium spurium L. - False Cleavers
Galium tricornutum Dandy - Corn Cleavers
Galium verrucosum Huds. - Warty Bedstraw
Galium parisiense L. - Wall Bedstraw
30–100 cm tall,
The colours represent the floristic status of the species in the respective region. Green indicates native occurrences, light green naturalized occurrences. Adventive occurrences are represented by light yellow shades and plants that are cultivated (but rarely occur in the wild) are dark yellow. Grey colours are used, if the floristic status of species is unknown or uncertain.
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Natural, established occurences | ![]() |
Artificial occurences |
The color intensity reflects the species' abundance
Data: Floristische Kartierung Deutschlands (Stand 2013), Bundesamt für Naturschutz (
ruderal vegetation, fields, vineyards